
How many eggs are there in a dozen?

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How many eggs are there in a dozen?




  1. 12.  Unless you wrote "eggs" to mean "zeroes".  Then none.

  2. 12 eggs, because a dozen is 12.

  3. a farmers dozen is 18

  4. 12

  5. Dozen equals twelve, duh!

  6. Hopefully you will have 12 eggs in a dozen. However, if some are broken, then you won't have 12. Always check before you buy.

    Also, a baker's dozen has 13. But usually eggs can be purchased in packs of 6, 12, or 24.

  7. 12.

  8. you're kidding right, 12 of course.

  9. Retar-d alert.

  10. if its a dozen eggs, then 12. but it depends on the substance.

  11. There are twelve eggs in a dozen. There are always 12 anythings in a dozen, unless it is a "baker's dozen", usually used with bread or rolls, in which case there are 13.

  12. dozen = 12


  13. Generally, the same amount of anything is in a dozen - 12.

  14. alot of eggs

  15. 12 i think. my parents sell eggs and usually people come and ask for half a dozen and they give them 6. half of 12 is 6.

  16. 12, unless its a bakers dozen, then its 13

  17. There are 12 eggs in a dozen.

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