
How many eggs can a vegetarian eat weekly?

by  |  earlier

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three answers and none to my question! If the question is mine it is therefore valid so thank you for your answer...not. I know what kind of vegetarian I am and while i can eat all the eggs in the world apparently it is not safe to do so.




  1. Anyone who eats eggs can eat as many or as few as they choose.  The intent of your question is not clear.  It sounds as though you're implying that there's some sort of rule for vegetarians, like two eggs a week makes you a vegetarian, but three is a violation.  Are you asking how many eggs it's healthy to eat in a week?  Or how many it's permissable to eat?  If you want good answers, you need to be more specific about the nature of your question.

    OK, so your question refers to cholesterol.  It's still impossible for someone online to put a number on your egg consumption.  For one thing, some people are genetically predisposed to elevated cholesterol and some people are not.  We don't know what your cholesterol level is now, nor do we know what your genetic legacy is.  Also, consumption of dietary cholesterol is not the main factor for increasing serum cholesterol.  Consumption of saturated fat triggers cholesterol production in the liver and is a bigger factor in increasing cholesterol levels.  Now, if you're not eating meat, there's a source of sat fat that you've cut out, but if you're eating lots of dairy and/or eating foods made with artificially hydrogenated oils, you could be producing so much cholesterol that there's no room for eggs in your diet at all.  But nobody knows that except you and your doctor.

  2. Here try this

    - You couldn't eat eggs if you were vegan. there is a difference.

    Try this Vegetarian Diet - The Break Down

    # First you need to establish what kind of vegetarian you are. Are you going to eat dairy products, eggs or just plant-based foods? Check out what we are talking about. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: A Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian is someone who eats dairy products (like milk and cheese) as well as eggs and all plant-based foods (this is veggies, grains, fruits, etc.).

    # Lacto Vegetarian: A Lacto Vegetarian is someone who eats dairy products and plant-based foods but not eggs.

    # Ovo Vegetarian: An Ovo Vegetarian is someone who eats eggs and plant-based foods but no dairy products.

    # Vegan or Pure Vegetarian: This is someone who does not eat any dairy products or eggs and only eats plant-based foods.

  3. funny question.  Egg is not considered as a vegetarian food.  so it is not a valid question.

  4. As many as you want. Vegitarians just don't eat animals. It's vegans who don't eat eggs, butter, milk ect.

  5. I would say no more than twice a week.

  6. This would be a good question for your doctor. My guess would be one or two a day.

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