
How many eggs is a healthy woman born with?

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How many eggs is a healthy woman born with?




  1. millions, by the time the foetus is about 26 weeks the female foetus has aver a million eggs x*x

  2. you could make an educated guess.  And do the math, 12 a year times the years most remain fertil, which is usually 45 years on avarage,

    perhaps a little more than 500, but that begs the question, is she born with all the eggs she will ever have, or do they get produced one at a time as needed.  I dont know..

  3. 0...women dont start producing eggs until puberty

  4. smokeydeath2004 - just shows how hard you listened in biology!!

    A baby girl is born with all the eggs she will need, her body just doesn't start to let them 'ripen' until she reaches puberty.

  5. check this link out for the answer

    1 to 2 million at birth....only 400,000 left by puberty

    Whomever said girls are not born with eggs and only start making them at puberty is an idiot.  Don't answer scientific questions unless you know the facts.

    Also, sperm production is continuous.  However females are born with a finite number of eggs that continuously declines as they age.  All the eggs are just in an immature state and once a girl hits puberty, a group of these start maturing every menstrual cycle.

    I don't understand why so many uninformed people chose to answer this question!

  6. thousands.

  7. A baby girl is born with egg cells (oocytes) in her ovaries. Between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, the ovaries of a female fetus contain 6 to 7 million oocytes. Most of the oocytes gradually waste away, leaving about 1 to 2 million present at birth. None develop after birth. At puberty, only about 300,000 more than enough for a lifetime of fertility remain. Only a small percentage of oocytes mature into eggs. The many thousands of oocytes that do not mature degenerate. Degeneration progresses more rapidly in the 10 to 15 years before menopause. All are gone by menopause.

    Only about 400 eggs are released during a womans reproductive life, usually one during each menstrual cycle. Until released, an egg remains dormant in its folliclesuspended in the middle of a cell division. Thus, the egg is one of the longest-lived cells in the body. Because a dormant egg cannot perform the usual cellular repair processes, the opportunity for damage increases as a woman ages. A chromosomal or genetic abnormality is thus more likely when a woman conceives a baby later in life.

  8. Many. Same with men, the sperm production and egg production is continous.  

  9. I just read this in my book - The Fastest Way to get Pregnant Naturally. A woman is born with 400,000 eggs.

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