
How many electrical sockets are there in the world?

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Defined as a socket where an electrical device can be plugged in, so power strips count as multiple sockets. Does anyone know the answer to this question?




  1. Do they have to be ready for use (work if something is plugged in) or can the sockets and power cords that are lying in home depot waiting to be bought also count?

  2. Just an educated guess:

    In rich, industrialized countries, probably 30 outlets per person.  In poor countries, 4 or less per person.

    World total: probably between 50 - 80 billion.  

  3. Use this formula:


    where ow = The average lifespan of an owl.

              na = The number of ashtrays in L.A.

    It's always accurate to +- .023 x 10^50

  4. About a gizbillion, but they are all in really hard to reach places!

  5. at my last count, 11.

  6. Over 100 billion served.

  7. 1.8 trillion 438billion 543million841 thousand1hundred and4

  8. In the whole world? that is a tough question to answer and you know that you have to estimate:

    at least 10 per house hold (including power strips)

    at least 30 for restaurants

    at least 50 for small businesses

    at least 100 for big office buildings

    and at least 30 miscellaneous

    so that's 10*30*50*100*30 (b/c there are like 2 billion people on earth)

    so that's 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

    i did the math, that's alot.

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