
How many errors do you think 'An Inconvenient Truth' contained?

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Someone recently cited this paper by Monckton (recently in the news for his completely amateurish attempt to disprove man-made global warming in an APS newsletter debate) published on the right-wing think tank SPPI website. It discusses 35 errors Monckton believes were made in Gore's film.

Examining this paper, how many of these do you believe are true errors made in the film? If you don't want to examine all 35 (and I certainly don't blame you), feel free to select a random sampling (perhaps 10 or so) and extrapolate.




  1. Well the PPT that I have by Marlo Lewis documents 35 that at least 6 different scientists were able to independently show as false. He mentioned that there are at least 10 more errors that were found, but not all 6 were able to verify them as false! So the 35 that Monckton  referred to were the ones every review scientist was able to clearly document as fraudulent assertions by Al Gore. So if some one was able to get the film reviewed by a grand jury using the scientists review data Gore probably could be jailed for grand theft fraud for every single dollar he has collected with this scam and many of his most vocal supporters could probably be jailed on similar fraud charges.

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” –H.L. Mencken

  2. It was a error to make the film, and to show it and scare the youth within our public school system.  After that I really don't care after watching it I thought it was more of a comedy then anything else.  What amazes me is the number of educated people that bought into this nonsense.

  3. OK so I have read though the document that you have a link to and you are right, I don't want to spend the time researching each and every one of these, but I do know that some of those are indeed errors.  I know that in many places they will show his film only after going over some of the major falsehoods, the lowest number of falsehoods that I have heard of is 11 so I would say that at least 11 of those are truly errors, and maybe all of them.

  4. global warming is real, but its not our fault. the earth goes through a warming and cooling cycle.

    we do have a little to do with it, but its mostly natural.

    the only inconvenient truth is that al gore is an idiot

  5. I couldn't identify any errors.  I am curious which you don't agree with.  All of them?  I don't think it does your cause any good by protecting nonsense which is what most of Gore's film obviously was.  It was full of distortions.  Why is it so difficult to admit such an obvious truth?

  6. It's pretty much 100% false.

    He ties lie after lie together along with doctored graphs in order to make his point, which is proven wrong by thousands of real scientists.

    It's despicable for him to lie like that, but it's even worse that he doesn't even believe what he preaches.  That makes him a true con artist as well as a hypocrite.

    But most people know that anyway, so what does it matter?  

    He won't debate anyone on the issue because he knows he'd lose.  He's much more comfortable telling lies on CBS and ABC where no one will challenge this nonsense.

    You can sit there and count the errors if you like, but to me it's a waste of time and effort.

  7. 35.  Monckton did a masterful job of exposing the film for what it really is....... a brainwashing vehicle.  Unfortunately, of lot of folks have bought into it.

  8. Rather than looking at errors -- which are possible for anyone to make and correct, I have a particular problem with the minimum two flat out LIES in the film.

    1) That "in a completely bipartisan way" we ended the threat of world-wide communism. Anyone who was conscious during the 1980's knows that world wide communism was defeated in spite of the likes of Al Gore.

    2) That the ozone hole problem was "solved" through legislation and banning certain chemicals.

    There is no way that either of these two comments wasn't a deliberate delivery of something false.

    I always doubt those who have to fib to make their case.

    I get really doubtful when people try to silence people who disagree with them.

    I know there's something up when people who disagree are demonized for remaining skeptical. -- Think about it - those who aren't sure about global warming are equated to those who knew millions of people were being exterminated and then lied about it.

    The history books are full of stories of pointless mass-hysteria, human-caused global warming is going to make the list sooner or later. (This is the time I've lived through a scare that the world is going to end because people are changing the environment. The first was in the mid 1970's, when everyone was sure that a new ice age was coming.)

  9. Well, really just one big one:  The premise.  It all kind of snowballs from there.

  10. Errors are mistakes.

    What took place in gore's charade was an out right lie.

  11. It probably had about the same number as are in Monckton's attack on it.  They're both examples of propaganda--manipulating facts and interpretations to advance a viewpoint.  Some of what Monckton says is wrong--the work of Kerry Emanuel on hurricanes has not been discredited, the picture just keeps evolving.  Maybe there will be fewer, but stronger, hurricanes.  Also I think there are plenty of scientists that still feel that the thermohaline circulation could be disrupted.  There was a paper that came out a year or two ago purporting to see a slowing in the circulation, but the margin of error was too large to draw firm conclusions.

    I find it amusing that when they talk about sea level rise they point to the IPCC report to attempt to discredit Gore! If they accept the conclusions of the IPCC as valid let's toss out Gore's movie entirely and just go by their report.

  12. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  13. I am not here to present the liberal or conservative side, global warming is science not politics. The Inconvenient Truth has not errors, it is foolish to believe that it does contain errors. If you don't believe in global warming and its consequences - you need to catch up with the info.

  14. Other than the fact that Al Gore acted under his real name, I thought the entire film was sci-fi.  People shouldn't go by what they see in the movies.

  15. I just glanced quickly through it. Once I saw that he thinks worldwide glacial decrease and polar warming are errors I had no interest reading the rest. This is nothing but a hit piece.

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