
How many extra packs of Marlboro lights has BHO smoked since learning of McCain's VP pick?

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I can imagine him pacing outside his hotel smoking one right after another thinking....'how could John DO THIS TO ME?!'




  1. none aas he smokes KOOL's and has managed to inahle a couple of cartons this week

  2. Probably enough to pay the electricity bill at one of their manufacturing facilities for months!

  3. A carton,

    Sure didn't take him long to back paddle on his camps statement after they found out McCains running mate. Use my statement not theirs.....LMAO!

  4. he quit smoking marlboro lights. he's gonna uh-er change. what a stroke of genius on McCain's part.

  5. He is actually probably completely thrilled at such a bad choice.

    McCain just made one of the biggest mistakes of his political career.

    It is a joke he picked that inexperienced secretary from far away Alaska.

    McCain will lose by a landslide for sure.  

  6. He's admitted to past drug and alcohol use.  He might be back on the pipe.

  7. that is a pretty succinct and well thought out response you are crediting to Obama. I think the only way he could come up with that opinion is if he read it off a teleprompter.

  8. i think he was smokin marijuana

  9. he has ditched the lights for the fully leaded red packs...probably trying to line up a little blow on the side..

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