
How many faces does Obama have

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He distanced himself from his pastor who he sat in church and listened to for years. As if the things they public heard weren't being said all along. According to this article he's a Ludacris fan but now is distancing himself from him because the public's association might hurt him. As if Ludacris just all of a sudden got offensive or something. Who is Obama? Isn't that getting harder to know?




  1. Yeah I'd have more respect for the guy if he'd just say "look damnit, I like rap, so what? every one is entitled to their personal tastes and it doesn't make me a bad person"....but of course as politicians know how to play the game, that wouldn't go down well with all white republicans of our country. They will of course jump all over him for "advocating" such "distasteful music" that "disrespects women and the law" blah blah blah. Of course, if he separates himself from the other side, he is just looked upon as a sell-out....not really trust worthy...turning his back on the culture, etc. I'm sure he has thought about which group is more likely to show up at the polls. The dude can't win either way....there are too many vastly different groups of people to try to please and he's been sucked into the game. I'd like him a lot more if he just stood his ground and didn't make any excuses for who he was....hey a president who likes Ludacris?? Neat!! Is that really a big deal? I mean, we had a president who liked to shove cigars up women's each their own is what I say. Just have good intentions for the people and do a good job.

  2. He presents one face to a predominantly black audience and another face to a predominantly white audience. He is a ruthless politician who was schooled in politics by the corrupt Chicago Democrat machine. He wants to be the president so badly that he would sell out his own mother to win, if she were alive. Do not underestimate him. He is very intelligent and he is trying hard to portray himself as a moderate, but he is certainly an ultra liberal.

    Barack Obamas Stealth Socialism

    By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, July 28, 2008

  3. He'll be whatever you want him to at the moment you ask him.  He is such a fraud and is not presidential material.

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