
How many families do you know that currently have 5+ young children?

by  |  earlier

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How many kids are they?

How old are they?

What do the parents do?

How are the kids?




  1. our family has six kids, me 12, my sisters 14, 28,16 and 19, annd my brother 24. all from the same dad and same mom

  2. I'm a Catholic, so lots.

    Most of the parents manage well enough, but I've heard from many parents that they worry their kids don't get a fair amount of attention.

    If you have 2 children they get 50% of your attention. 5 or more, they get 20% or less of your attention.

  3. my gurlfrendz mom haz 8 kidz...

    17, 14, 10,9, 7, 5,4, and 9 monthz...

    umm... pawn them off 2 other people like the auntz..

    and the dad aint around...

    umm... the kidz are actually very well behaved

    except for the 4 year old!!!

    suckz huh???!!!!!

  4. no one with 5.  two families with 4 kids and they make good money, all have degrees of course, and the kids are all doing great.  all 8 are between 11 and 3years.  picture perfect families.

  5. My moms friend has 6 kids.

    They are 10, 7, 6, 4, 2 and 10 months.

    The mom is a SAHM and the dad works at the hospital.

    The kids are very well behaved, have excellent manners and are just all around fun to be around.

  6. I use to babysit for a family that had 6 girls.

    They were 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 when I babysat them last.

    The dad is a pastor and mom stays at home.

    The girls were all great

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