
How many feathers should my amazon parrot lose each week?

by Guest63693  |  earlier

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My parrot loses about 4-8 large feathers a week. Is that alot?




  1. It depends on if it's moulting season or not.

    Usually in the spring and fall, birds will replace a large number of feathers...this is normal.

    However, if you do not notice new feathers growing in, or the beak looking scaly...get your bird to a vet ASAP!

  2. Summer heat and regular molting is when birds feather's are pushed out by new in coming feather's.

    Molting feather's can be the small, fluffy ones and the larger ones also.

    About the only time for concern is if alot of feather's suddenly seem to cover the bottom of the cage. Illness or fright can cause the latter.

    My birds are dropping feather's right now too. T'is normal in August - -

    here in the USA.

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