
How many feel like our Politician care nothing of it's people.?

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Here you have congress on a 5 week vacation . Nancy refusing to let them vote and our president off to the Olympics and we the average American can't even take our kids to the movies anymore and here you have Obama wanting to tax us even more. and flip flopping all over the place. Dose this tee you off or do I stand alone. in worrying about my family and their future. I see no hope. with the congress we have and Mr. Obama as our president. Just being honest.




  1. Politicians are always in it for themselves. That is nothing new. They make the rules and we live by them and or find ways to cope with them. h**l if some of us can we even move to other countries. For certain reasons.  We vote in hopes for something better. Not something great :(

  2. not me

  3. Not only does Pelosi refuse to allow a vote on drilling, she's encouraging Democrats that are up for re-election to "back drilling" if it will help them win. Her goal is clear - do what it takes to win, s***w the people.  

  4. You mean you think Obama raising taxes isn't going to put more money in you pocket$

  5. I'm with you. You are exactly right. Once upon a time in America, our Senators and Representatives took on their responsibility in order to serve the people. Now they take the jobs, for the money,  the glory, the power, and s***w the people. Its all about personal gain, not about helping anyone but themselves. We have it within our power to change that. We can refuse to vote for anyone who has served 2 terms in office or who is not proceeding according to the peoples wishes. I don't think it would take more that 2-3 elections before,they started to realize they have to work for the people again.

    You are so right about Obama and the current do nothing congress.

  6. Remember, the "party of the working man" REFUSED to take a vote that would have CERTAINLY lowered the fuel costs for all of us.

    ONCE AGAIN... like it or not...  Democrats show they are all about taking care of THEIR POWER and when push comes to shove... they couldn't give a hoot for Americans.

  7. With Obama as president, we are doomed. I dont think he is fooling enough of the american people to pull off a win in nov. Obama did tell everyone how to save more gas than drilling. So for a $25 donation to McCain's campaign you can get your own tire gage, and you will not have to worry about it. ë¿~

  8. that's how it is in 3rd world countries, but I think less so in G8 countries.

  9. You are definitely not alone here.  My husband and I are doing okay for now, but I worry for my children and their children.  The future could be very bleak indeed.  I am scared of Obama and will be voting for McCain, but he is only a little better.  

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