
How many feet away do you have to start slowing down when entering a highway?

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How many feet away do you have to start slowing down when entering a highway?




  1. you don't slow down when entering a highway.

  2. duno

  3. Yes, please do not SLOW DOWN. In the USA, they make the Get-On ramps at least a 1/4 mile long to accelerate, not slow down. Always amazes me how so many people don't know how to merge with other traffic.

  4. I would accelerate when entering a highway

  5. Slow down? I speed up so I don't get killed

  6. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999...

  7. False Question.... you SPEED up not slow down when entering the highway.

  8. You dont slow down you speed up! When exiting you slow down.. duhh

  9. ummm.. don't flippin slow down! Dang... people like you cause accidents.. merging onto a freeway/highway is like a dance, just place enough distance between you and the car in front of you so if there is an exit ramp by the merge area your going to they can get in and you go behind them. Just keep your eyes and ears open to all sides of you... never slow down...

  10. Aren't you speeding up when entering a hiway? You have to merge with the faster moving traffic.

  11. Speed up!

  12. I normaly don't slow down when entering a highway. If I slow down the flow of highway trafic will rear end my car. What I do is I drive at a speed that I can blend in with the trafic, Most of the time I have to speed up to get in the traffic. Now don't go out there and speed up to get in the traffic when you don't have a reasonable space to get in the highway. Highways normally give you plenty of space to speed up and blend in with the flow of traffic.

  13. Approx 220 foot..

    That depends on ur braking system and highly on your driving stlye and your car type too. If u have ABS, u can come still closer to slow.

  14. I pace the traffic on the highway so I'm entering at the same speed or a little faster.


    You DON'T slow down...  YOU SPEED UP to match the speed of traffic!!  If not, you're asking for an accident


  17. You should not be slowing down.  You need to speed up to merge with the speeds of traffic on the highway.  

    However, there is one caveat to this general rule.  If you see traffic on the highway moving at a slower rate than the rate at which you are moving go ahead and slow down so you can merge with traffic at that same rate of speed.

    Instead of measuring this in feet, think of it more as how quickly can your specific vehicle adjust to the speed of traffic.

    Then judge for yourself a safe way to adjust and merge.

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