
How many feminist from the '60 and '70 era find women of the 21st century a bit ungrateful?

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I see alot of questions here asking whether you are a feminist or not. If you are a young woman today you ar reaping the benifits of those who went before you. You can't even imagine not having the choices you have are feminists!




  1. My mom's from the second wave, and I've gotta say, she's drilled home for me how grateful I should be... and I AM grateful. Unfortunately, others of my generation don't feel the same.

  2. It's impossible to know.

    What's done the most damage is all the women-haters who've convinced so many that being a feminist means hating all men.

    There are many young women who ARE grateful for what those who fought for their rights did.

    But there are all too many who've bought the whole lie.

  3. With the passage of time many have forgotten or are to young to know what was done for them.

  4. I am not from the 60s and 70s but I find women at my age (19) VERY ungrateful. Most of them don't know that if it had not been for feminism they would not have had their rights today.

    A lot of women act like they don't want to have their rights. They dumb themselves down to get the insecure man to be attracted to them, they look for men who earn more than them instead of thinking that they are intelligent and good enough to provide for themselves and they expose themselves to men like objects.

  5. I am not a feminist.

  6. Speaking as a woman today in the 21st century, those women from the 60s and 60s were full of c**p...they preached how horrible men were, take Marlow Thomas for instance, she ran around with the other so called feminists degrading men, saying she'd never get married, telling women not to get married, turns around, marries phil donahue, and her feminist days were over, in a flash...what happend to the "cause"...they are like hollywood of today, preaching how we should have a socialist country yet they won't give up their money (Matthew Modine on Bill O'reilly..Matthew Modine made a complete *** of himself)...they did achieve a few things, and we do have to appreciate some of the roads they paved, but honestly they didn't have the big impact as you are leading YA readers to believe...women STILL don't get jobs because of men, they STILL don't have equal pay, etc...they were a bunch of hot air blowers...

    ADDED: Make no mistake, the likes of Susan B. Anthony did make an impact, she spoke with forethought and afterthough, and she made strides for women, I specifically mean the radicals of the 60s and 70s...Marlow Thomas and her cronies...she does more good now with St. Judes Hospital...for that she should be proud, not her 70s that girl days.

  7. I don't think today's generation fully understands how hard past generations have had to work for the rights and privileges they currently enjoy. This doesn't just apply to feminism.

  8. Today's youth generation is not exactly known for an overabundance of knowledge of history or social science.

  9. Stuff the 60s and 70s feminists - how much of what they had was dependent on the centuries of liberal feminists who went before them?  Great question though :-)

  10. I agree with you about the issue, but not necessarily about the era. However, hearing young girls saying that they hate feminists makes me a little nauseous. I can't even fathom how uneducated one would have to be to say that.

  11. I am a bloke who has studied all this, and i consider that the really effective feminists were in the pre-WW2 days.  1960's/70's feminists were able to highlight certain issues, but much of it was misandrist grandstanding.

    You also must consider that people can choose to be labelled as feminists or not.  You are not automatically a feminist is you "reap the benefits" of these allegedly wonderful big mouths.

  12. Babyboomers don't exactly see the world as having been handed over to younger people yet.  And, we aren't going anywhere because the fight for humanism ain't over by a long shot.  And the struggle for human rights ain't about superiority of genitals.  It's a little bigger than that.  You "youngsters" are going to need our help with the fight coming up.  No thanks needed for yesterday's battles won.  Just get smart and frosty and informed.  And stop spending your money on stupid stuff.  Empower yourselves with education and wise self-determination.

    "Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.

    Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

    Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?

    Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for."

  13. TheAimer is absolutely correct.

  14. Not ungrateful . . . just pathetically ignorant and misguided.  Do they honestly believe all the opporunities they take for granted would have come to them anyway??  Or that if a women isn't a cupcaque or chicklette she's a man-hater??  My God!  It's not a lack of gratitude, but a lack of awareness that makes them sad.

  15. I'm a gen y'er and I cannot even fathom the struggles my female predecessors went through to get me the opportunities I have thanks if you are out there and I'll try and do right by the cause!

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