
How many fish can I put in a 10g aquarium?

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I currently have 1 male guppy and an albino corycat in a 2.5g aquarium. Today I bought them a 10g setup, so I was wondering how many more corys and guppies I can put in? Thanks!




  1. 1 one inch fish per gallon.   thats how i remember it well

  2. 1 fish per gal. (small- like an inch or less) I would go with guppis and get a school of them, the male are the pretty fan tail ones and they mate with the females and make cute lil babies. (don't worry about the babies they end up getting eaten by the other fish so they won't over populate the tank & you'll never even see them )You can also go with a molly, but the grow to be about 2 inches so limit the mollies to about 2 and get yourself a cory fish wich is a gravel digger and it keeps the tank fairly clean. ( cory's can be alone or in pairs so you don't need 2 or more like the others say!!!!) you could also go with an awesome foxtail algea eater they are real thin /skinny and look pretty cool sucking on the wall!

  3. well, the corys you should get 2 more. as for the guppies, get 5 or 6 more. then urt maxed out. make sure the guppies are all male or else youll have like a bazillion guppies in no time! not fun.=]

  4. about 4 or 5.its a very small tank to work with

  5. The general rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water if you stick to smaller fish.

  6. Cories like to be in at least trio's so I'd get 2 more.  You could also add 3 females to your male if you are interested in having fry or just add 3 more males if you like the idea of more color.  A heater will be needed to maintain the temperature in your tank and you'll need to cycle it before you put the fish in.


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