
How many fish can i keep in my tank?

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I have a tropical setup, Aqua One AR620 tank. It holds 90 litres, (24 US gallons). I was wondering how many fish, none larger than dwarf Gouramis, i'd be able to keep in it. thanx




  1. 1 inch per gallon i would put 11 or less acually 10 or less you dont wanna over stock do you? LOL! if i can suggest any fish...(if you dont have any already, i would suggest mollies, platies, serpae tetras, and swordtails. Mollies paties and swordtails are very very good together, they are almost the same breed...well not really, but they do work very well together and only get up to about 4'' very good size if i do say so myself, andyou can also have a FEMALE betta to to make it prettier...just some ideas...hope i helped the most!

  2. 8-12 depending on the size of the fish.

    The 1 inch per gallon rule does work but you have to look at square inches (the surface area of the fish) not inches in length! A 1 inch fish that is 1 inch tall would take 2 gallons of water, 1 inch on each side. A 10 inch fish 1 inch tall (an eel) would fill a 20 gallon. But a 10 inch fish that is 6 inches tall would need at least 120 gallons.

  3. About 10 or so. I wouldn't get go for more than that.  

  4. about 1 fish per gallon for small schooling fish.

  5. nooo nooo nooo jamie! you cant have 24 small fish in a 24 gallon tank, thats absolutley insane! you can have about 10.

  6. I have always been told it is one inch per gallon. Be careful not to go over that. Although your fish may seem like they are not crowded, going over the limit can lead to them catching diseases.

  7. 7 or 8 maybe, less than 10 anyway

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