
How many fish can i put in my ten gallon aquarium?

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it will be a tropical tank with dimensions 51cm x 25cm x 30cm

if i got fish that grow up to one inch how many fish could i stock my tank with?




  1. First and foremost...ignore the 1 inch/1 gallon and also the 1 fish/1 gallon.

    A 10 inch fish will not be able to move around much or swim in a 10 gallon tank.  And as far as 1 fish per one gallon...try fitting one 24 inch goldfish in a 10 Gallon Tank.

    Excellent choice of fish.  They like the pH a bit low and somewhat I would just do 6 of these guys.  Best in schools of 6 or more....but with the size tank you have...6 would be the max.  If your filtration is above whats called for and you use an underground filter to compliment your regular filter...then maybe a couple of more...but I would stick to 6 and see how that works out.  They are not the easiest fish to keep...but not too difficult either.

    Start with 6 and lots of plants.

    Best of Luck!

  2. The rule of thumb is inches per gallon.

    So if you have 10 gallons, you can have up to ten inches. Fish that are one inch a piece - you'd be able to fit 10 fish.

  3. Depends on the size of the fish.

    The "inch per gallon" rule isn't the most accurate. You can't keep a 10 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank, and you can't even keep two 5 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank. However, with good filtration, you could have more than 10, say, neon tetras.

    Do you know what kinds of fish you'd want?

    You could try a small school of 5-6 of the smaller corydoras and a dwarf gourami, but that's just one of many possibilities.  

  4. if u add fish that grow up to one inch u can add 10 little fishes. maybe 11.

    some fish that i would consider are neon tetras and a couple of ghost shrimp.

  5. 10

  6. none of the fish grow upto only 1 inch..usually 1.25-1.5 inch for the smallest tetras or guppies either..and you should have room for them just in case they grow more...I would not go over 7-8..that is the highest I would go...that could be overloading too...5-6 fish would be the best...1 inch per gallon rule is ok..but you should consider their mature adult size..take care..:)

  7. Even neon tetra's a guppies get bigger than a inch so I'm not sure what fish you had in mind that would be that small.  You could have a school of 6 neons or a trio of guppies.


  8. 5, you dont wanna over crowd it with fish.

  9. 1 gallon per inch of fish, if you want them to live a long time

  10. i think you're supposed to have1 &1/2 gallons per fish

  11. 200-300

  12. Ignore the guy that said 200-300. That is absolutely wrong. Very wrong. You could get 10 fish that grow up to an inch. It is one inch of fish per gallon of water.

  13. one inch = 1 gallon...

  14. 10 small fish, or fewer if they are larger.

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