do you believe one person can stop the domino effect of the downward spin into a crisies that this country can not possibly recover.our military has been pushed to the limits,immigrants not likeing americans views (not government) of our family,neighbors values as americans,the economy coupled with high energy cost foreclosures,vrs. job losses out of this country,the cost of living almost trippling and the homeowners taxes on realestate almost certain to increase dramatically to pay for the public officials who refuse to give up greed,only because they can! the poison food from mexico because of a way to get even,thus destroying the american growers who are facing business closeings,and by all means mexicans don't remember the alamo..??these are only a sratch on the surface the greed that is carried over into our polictical control is so overwhelming that our lawmakers look the otherway or don't care..americans take the next 5 weeks off and do nothing,if they don't care ..we the americans can't stop the greed and laziness,do you really think one person can change the downward spin? before you person created it