
How many foreign language credits do i need to get into a good college?

by  |  earlier

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I have currently taken 1 year of french, but dropped it and went into chinese level 5. From here, i can either go to IBSL or IBHL level 6. or i can simply go into normal level 6, which is what i'm thinking of doing. There is no level 7 mandarin.

however, i really want to discontinue foreign language to pursue my interest in chemistry and physics, but i cant do that along with foreign language due to schedule problems.

how many years of foreign language do i ABSOLUTELY NEED to get into a good college?

Is 2 years enough? How about 3 years?




  1. 2 years but if you're not sure what school you want to go to take 3 just to be on the safe side

  2. generally, 2 years is good of one consectutive language. However, it depends on if you are going for a B.A. or a B.S. as an undergrad. If you want a B.A., you should plan for 4 years of one foreign language, or taking 4 years in college. As a B.S., plan for math and sciences.

  3. to qualify for a college, you just need 2 consecutive years of the same foreign language

  4. My advice - pursue your interest in chemistry and physics.  You've got a lot of foreign language instruction under your belt (2 years is pretty standard and you have 5 - unless you already knew chinese and just entered at level 5.  That part was unclear).

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