
How many forms of energy are there?

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How many forms of energy are there?




  1. oo theres lots you have

    Kinetic (movement)


    Heat erm i cant think of eny more but there deffinatly is more

  2. Broadly speaking: 2 big classes Kinetic and potential, but heat and light energy are exceptions.

    kinetic energy is a consequence of motion only.

    potential energy can be stored in various forms (or dissipated via various mediums) e.g. chemical, mechnical, electrical hence the names chem/mech/elec potential energy are used.

  3. There are 9 different forms;

    Gravitational Potential Energy

    Elastic Potential Energy

    Chemical Potential Energy

    Nuclear Energy

    Kinetic Energy

    Thermal Energy or Heat Energy

    Sound Energy

    Light Energy or Electromagnetic Energy

    Electrical Energy

    see point 2 on

  4. If you are talking about ENERGY, then there are basically two forms of energy:

    Kinetic (such as active movement, nuclear reactions, etc.). A brick thrown or dropped has kinetic energy, as it is movement.

    Potential (stored electricity in batteries, the potential energy in your limbs, etc.). A brick on a table has potential energy because it has mass.

    Anything with mass has either kinetic or potential energy, and it is the conversion from one to another that makes the world work.

    If you are talking about FORCES however, (a similar subject, but not quite the same), then there are four:

    Weak Nuclear Force (responsible for radioactivity and nuclear reactions) Strong Nuclear Force (the force that holds atoms and molecules together), Electromagnetism (obviously responsible for electricity and magnetism) and the last, Gravity (holds our world together, amongst other things, as well as being a major part of the whole 'Space-Time' thing).

    Just to get complex, The Grand Unified Theory combines Electromagnetism and Weak Nuclear Forces into a closer relationship with one another. Attempts at bringing Strong Nuclear Forces under the same theory have failed.

    Supersymmetry is a new theory that – with the discovery of a new particle that will prove the theory – would bring all three forces together, leaving Gravity as the odd-man-out, Space-Time being something that tends to get messed up as the other three forces change (and vice versa, for that matter).

  5. 22 forms of energy

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