
How many freckles is to many? what do you think?[pictures]

by  |  earlier

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this is one of those things that it just depepnds on the person, in my opinion, frickles are awesome, they are what makes me unique and awesome:Dbut my friend sara thinks that freckles are hidiously ugly.lolso i was wondering, what do you think of my freckles?

thanks for your opinion!





  1. its cute on you .

    not too much not too little

    just perfect .

  2. Sexyy :]

    i love your freckles.

    youve got the perfect amount tooo:]

  3. ur fine you want to see to many just look at lindsay lohan now thats 2 many

  4. i have freckles :] . your friends stupid btw. people generally like freckles. i have just a few but i still get compliments on them.

    my boyfriend said " your face is beautiful like the night sky, and your freckles are sprinkled on like stars " .

    answer mine-;...

  5. Your freckles look cute and bright!

    You look a bit like Peppermint Patty!

  6. cute

  7. your friend isnt very nice and your freckles are fine. even cute. i have no freckles and wish i had them.

  8. The girl in that picture hardly has any freckles, but the freckles she does have are cute.  I think girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them.  Tell your friend Sara about that. Freckles ROCK!

  9. cute!how envy of yahh.=]

  10. you just have a few on your nose, that's just the right amount and they are very cute.

    if you want to know how many is too many :

  11. your fine..not too bad

    answer please

  12. ur pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i have freckles blonde hair and blue eyes 2!!) yay!

  13. your amount of freckles are adorable, i wish i had them. But i dont like how some people have freckles alll over their bodies

  14. ur freckles r fine ignore ur friend!!!!!!! u loook like my bff's cuz but she has redish hair lol answer my Q plz;...

  15. tell your friend to go suck it!


  16. They're cute, not too many at all. :)

  17. Adorable! =D  

  18. you hardly have any freckles and they look very cute :]

    your friend sounds mean :[

  19. prettyy=]

    i wish i had your freckless!

  20. you look really cute:D

  21. Your beautiful and they look lovely you pull them off well. So ignore your friend. xx And also tell her I am not a happy bunny as I get freckles when in alot of sun. so there.!! lol

  22. stay out of the sun

    you look o.k now

    use lotions

  23. that's the weirdest pic i've ever seen.  freckles are fine tho.

  24. You do not have too many freckles but this picture makes you look like a anorexic walrus.

  25. your cute. i just don't like that smile type thing. haha just my opinion: / no effence

  26. h**l no i've got way more freckles than you

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