
How many free samples do you get from LUSH?

by  |  earlier

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lush the soap store... like if i order 1 item online how many free things would i get and if i went to the store how many would i get if i only bought 1 thing.




  1. I ordered 2 bath bombs online the other day, they sent me 7 free toner tabs :)

    I've never had any freebies from in store though, ever.

  2. I never only order just one thing, but the norm is 2 samples. Ask for them in the box on the order form. You can't get bubble bars, bombs, powders, things like that. The store, it depends really. Most people, if they ask at all, will only ask for 1 if they buy 1 thing. But sometimes the sales associate will give them more anyway.

  3. If you go in store ask if there's samples you genuinely want to try (like cleanser etc) or just ask at mail order. You don't necessarily get samples when you go in store x

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