
How many friends do you have?

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1) how many friends do you have?

2) how many friends do you want?

3) how many of your friends are true friends that you can trust and depend upon, who will help you out and give you advise?




  1. well i just graduated high school in june and im going to college in january

    1. i probably have like 3 a loser

    2. im not sure how many friends i want

    3. i dont feel like any of my friends are really true...i wouldnt tell any of them my deepest darkest secret

    i need to find some real friends in college

  2. none


    no such person exists

    i haven't decided if i'm older or "like" older

    never had any, never will. there are some of us out there that aren't stupid enough to have "friends". why anyone would want any is beyond me.

  3. college: 1)hundreds of friends 2)don't really care 3)there are a good 20-30 people I can trust with my life

  4. 1: on facebook i have 400.. but like legit friends.. id say 70 maybe

    2: i hav enough

    3: i honestly hav lke trust issues, I just cant realy trust anyone with any mjor secrets. Its not tat i dnt think my frnds r trsutworthy.. its just that im always paranoid there gonna tel ..idk just thing s have happened and i dnt trust anyone.


  5. 1. I hope I never have to find out.

    2. A few would be a blessing.

    3. Same answer as # 1.

    I am "older."

  6. One-A lot too many to count

    Two-I'm content


    Middle School  

  7. plenty

    ive got all the ones i want.

    3 of them.

    High School

  8. I have too many friends to count.  I have enough friends now, but am always ready to make new ones.  I have about 5 or 6 very close friends that I would go to for help or advice if I needed it.  I am much older than college.

  9. alot. like over 30.

    as many as i can

    all of them.

  10. 1. a few

    2. idc

    3. Like about 4 .....its sad how as the years go by u lose ppl

    im a junior in highschool

  11. i'm in high school.

    1.i have a lot of friends.

    2.i don't care.

    3.i really only have three girl friends, and i cant trust them for ****. girls are b*****s!

    and then i have a lot of guy friends and i can trust two of them completely. those two are my life<3

    but, i don't tell them everything.

    because in the end, the only person i can trust is myself.

  12. 1) Zero

    2) Zero

    3) Zero


  13. 1. a lot.

    2. I just need someone who are true friends and I can trust and depends on.

    3. 0

  14. 1. enough

    2. the ones i have

    3. all of them, that's why they're my friends

    i'm in high school

  15. 1) how many friends do you have? 6

    2) how many friends do you want? i don't need alot of friends

    3) how many of your friends are true friends that you can trust and depend upon, who will help you out and give you advise? 3

    high school

  16. about 100

    dont need many only like 10-20

    a good 10 or so

    im in middle school/8th grade

  17. 1 - I could count them on 1 hand

    2 - Just a few, the ones that matter!

    3 - A couple

    In college

  18. 1.) 9

    2.) 9

    3.) 3

    Middle school

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