
How many friends do you have ?

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How many friends do you have ?




  1. good question. its got me thinking.............

    ive got about 250 friends. impressive huh?

    im just too d**n popular!! haha :P

    only kidding. probs about 6/7 really

    close friends who i can talk to about everything and anything at anytime. and as for the rest......theyre just acquaintances.  

  2. 3 best friends.

    7 good friends.

    20 people who are good to hang out with.

    Most people who are online friends

    on social networking sites

    are just aquaintances.

    I can't stand some of them.

    That makes me awful doesnt it?

    well as long as i have my bffls, & good friends.


  3. I dont think i actually have a real friend, like what some of the others said i have plenty of acquaintances.

  4. A few- my boyfriend is my best friend though. Sad isn't it.

  5. umm... i have two best friends... about 10 friends from school/sports (some better than others)... and a lot more from my camp.

    going into high school, i sometimes feel like i dont have that many friends either, but i know i will always have my two best friends, family and cousins who will always support me and thats all i need.

  6. 50 off the top of my head that I take seriously.

  7. I have 4 best friends that ive known for about 13 years but i have no idea how many friends

  8. 0.725724565464

  9. None really. I find that at my age having friends can be very distractive. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of people but as far as being friend? I have to draw a line because I don't want to be burdened with a lot baggage from others. I do not want people calling or coming over when I find a little time to relax and just enjoy my family.

  10. i have tons because i am the most popular girl in school so that means like i have a lot and pretty much a couple enemys

  11. I have only 1 best friend and she is my wife she is the only 1 i can really talk to about things  

  12. None. They all seem to leave after visiting me

  13. I dont have any friends that i could call freinds.. just all aquaintances

  14. Perhaps 1 - loads of acquaintances

  15. 2 bestfriends

    3 close friends

    and a bunch of friends ^-^

  16. Three real friends, plus a real friend in my boyfriend, then I've got real friends in my Sister, Brother, Mum, Dad, and the rest are associates!

  17. i have 6 best frends- each who i can tlk to about anything.. but i dno bwt just 'frends'  

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