
How many frys do guppys have when pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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just want to know never had them before.




  1. Not many, maybe 30-50 at a time. If you're going to have babies though, get a kit that has a separator, which you will put the mother in when she is giving birth to live young, because the mother and father fish will eat the babies. You'll want to keep them in a seperate tank and make sure to make several partial water changes for the first week or two, at least until they get about half an inch or more. Feed them special baby food, store bought. Many will die off at first, it's not unnatural, even to be born dead. You can introduce them to the parent's tank when they're at least normal size with fully developed fins and color.

  2. they will have between 5-120 babies but it ok tankmates will eat most of the batch so nothing to worry about except having the proper sized tank

  3. depends if they have been pregnant before or how old they are

    older=more babies

    pregnant before=more babies

    like the one before me said 5-120fry

  4. These people are all crazy!!  (no offense!)

    They usually have, depending on the size of your guppy, between 4 and 30 babies!!  The most I've ever had with a large guppy is like 21!!

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