
How many fuel has left for future ganaration from now onn......?

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How many fuel has left for future ganaration from now onn......?




  1. 2

  2. we have  to speed up on wind energy and corn fuel cuz theres not much left...

  3. The fossil fuels in the earth will last for centuries!  The new technology of wind, nuclear ,and the new Ethanol technology will power the world forever

  4. Oil will dry up around the year 2100. And faster if anything unexpected happens.

  5. Oil is not replaceable and most of the oil that is in the ground has been identified.

    Most experts agree that we will reach peak oil  no later that 2030 and some think we already have.

    Peak oil is when the oil reserve is at its halfway point. When it reaches the halfway point it is more costly to produce and  harder to get out of the ground.

    At some point after peak it is not possible to retrieve any more oil either because we can't get it or it   is not worth it. The amount of energy expended will equal the amount of oil retrieved.

    There are no other fuels  that we know of that will power vehicles. Tractors, big earthmoving machines, long haul trucks. These things need powerful fuel.

    There are oil sands but oil will have to be at $100 a barrel before it will be financially viable. We will be paying ten dollars at the pump.

    Ethanol is not the answer since corn and other agricultural products require fertilizer, and large vehicles to harvest. Oil is needed for that. Also corn is needed to feed people and cattle. You have to make choices.

    Will people die of starvation because we need ethanol.

    There is no other technologies that are known right now that will produce the type of energy and not be polluting to the atmosphere.

    Oil will run out this century.

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