
How many gallons are in a barrel of oil and how many gallons of gas are produced with each barrel?

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How many gallons are in a barrel of oil and how many gallons of gas are produced with each barrel?




  1. One barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil, when refined, yields approximately 19.6 gallons of finished motor gasoline. The remainder of the barrel yields distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, jet fuel, and other products.

  2. Your standard barrel is 55 gallons, making about 30-32 gallons of gas

  3. 42 Gallons of Oil are in a Barrel.. and it makes approximately 19 Gallons of Gasoline.. and Many other Petroleum byproducts...

  4. I've provided a link to the Energy Information Administration's site that discusses the yield of a 42 gallon barrel of crude oil.  Average yield is approximately 19 gallons of gasoline per barrel.  The actual total yield is about 44 gallons, due to cracking denser hydrocarbons into less dense ones.  Keep in mind that this is for lighter crudes ideally suited to gasoline production.  Heavier crudes yield less gasoline or require extensive refining.

    This is an excellent site I've referenced in the past when presenting to audiences.  I hope you find this information helpful.

  5. There are 43 gallons in a barrel of crude.. I don't know if about the gasoline.

  6. ddd

  7. There are 55 gallons in a drum and 42 gallons in a barrel. Originally there were 40 gallons to a barrel however, that was changed in the mid 19th century to give a little extra so consumers wouldn't feel "cheated".

    A little over 23 gallons of gasoline can be refined from a barrel of oil. Other products (jet fuel, lubricants, etc.) make up the rest.

  8. 42 gallons in a barrel.

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