
How many gallons is in a 18" by 18" by 18" tank? please help?

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How many gallons is in a 18" by 18" by 18" tank? please help?




  1. I'd just fill a one gallon milk jug over and over again until the tank is full and just keep track of how many gallons you've dumped into it....

  2. about 20 gallons

  3. 18x18x18 = 5832 cu inches

    1 cu inch = 0.00432900433 gallons

    Therefore: 25.2467532 gallons

  4. 20 gallons

  5. About 25 gallons. One cubic foot equals 7.5 gallons. To get the cubic feet of your tank, take 1.5 feet (18 inches) x 1.5 feet x 1.5 feet. This is 3.375 cubic feet. Take that and multiply by 7.5, which gives you 25.3125 gallons.

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