
How many gallons of gas are in a barrel?

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How many gallons of gas are in a barrel?




  1. Freddy is correct - 42 gal per bbl


  2. "A barrel contains 42 gallons.  After refining, it makes about 19.5 gallons

    of gasoline in addition to numerous other products such as heating oil.."

  3. Freddie is right, except it is called "Asphalt", not Tar. I'm in the Asphalt refining industry.

  4. 42 gallons of black smelly liquid in a "barrel" of oil, which is the official unit for oil in commodity trading.  But most of it is handled in huge tanks.  It's almost never handled in an actual barrel, and when it is, they use the modern standard 55 gallon drum, which you probably have seen around, as they get reused for trash cans etc.

    If you try to make gasoline out of it, you get somewhere between 5 and 19 gallons of gas, and a bunch of other stuff, depending on what kind of oil it is.

    "Light, sweet crude" gives you 19 gallons of gas and a bunch of other stuff.   Light means it's relatively thin and less like tar.  Sweet means it's not loaded with sulfur and other chemicals.  

    Naturally, light sweet crude is the most wanted, so it's the first kind we've used up, and the remaining supply is harder and harder (read more and more expensive) to get to.  There's plenty of other kinds of oil, but it's far more expensive to get useful gasoline out of those.  Thus, high gas prices and all that "running out of oil" talk.

  5. 42 gallons of oil.  

    After refining...that makes about 19.5 gallons of gasoline.  The rest becomes jet fuel, plastic, tar, etc.

  6. 42 gallons in a barrel, 55 gallons in a drum.

  7. if your talking oil they are usually 55 gal

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