
How many gambusia can I keep in a 10 gallon?

by  |  earlier

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I have a creek behind my home and it has millions of gambusia or mosquito fish. I have an extra 10 gallon tank that I would like to fill up with gambusia to feed some to my crawdads and also for my own enjoyment! How many can live with a filter in that size of tank?




  1. you could keep about 5 (3 females and 2 males) it doesn't sound like much but believe me they breed like rats in about a month you will have millions and i mean millions (also add a bit of salt only a tiny bit cos they need it

  2. You could keep 9-10 in your tank.  They're hardy little fish, but make sure to do a fishless cycle before you add them to your tank.  Just remember, they WILL breed, so have contigency plans for houseing all the fry you're going to get.

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