
How many games can i save on a 20gb xbox 360?

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How many games can i save on a 20gb xbox 360?




  1. easy 75+ if a 2gb card is included with 20 gb then that

    but 20 gb by its self id say like 50....

    plzz make this best answer

  2. a ton of games thats the only meorycard youl everneed it can save a lot!

  3. When saving just game data, the 20 gigs provided with the standard Xbox 360 hard drive is more than enough space. Even when downloading content and extras from the market place you won't run into space issues. The real problem comes when you download a lot of content, rip music, and then try and download a lot of movies at once. Personally, I don't like to delete my old saves simply because I may come back and replay a game; therefore, I keep everything on my hard drive. I have had my 360 for a good two years or so and have never dipped below 8 gigs of free space.

    In a nutshell, no need to worry, you'll be fine with your space!

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