
How many gametes are prodused when a single 2N cell in a human testes goes through meiosis?

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How many gametes are produced when a single 2N cell in a human ovary goes through meiosis?

Meosis I in females occurs when?




  1. Four spermatozoa are produced when a human testes undergoes meiosis.

    Only one ovum is produced when a human ovary undergoes meiosis.  (In addition, either two or three polar bodies are formed.  The first polar body is formed as a product of meiosis I, and may or may not divide again.  A second polar body is formed as a product of meiosis II.)

    In females, meiosis I begins in the embryonic ovary (i.e. when the female is still an embryo).  However, primary oocytes remain arrested in prophase I until puberty, when one oocyte per month completes meiosis I, just prior to ovulation.  During ovulation, meiosis II begins, but stops at metaphase.  Meiosis II is only completed if fertilization occurs.

    I hope this helps.

  2. The end result of meiosis is 4 haploid daughter cells.

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