
How many generations to regain technological/mechanical skills from primitiveness?

by  |  earlier

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If some apocalyptic event wiped out most of the human race, which over the years recovered and developed into hunter/gatherers with spoken language, AND, they had available to them working modern technology (remnants of their previous glory - specifically, something like Vox 114, the talking AI database of knowledge from the 2002 film version of "The Time Machine"), how many human generations would it take for them to re-develop to the point where they are technologically equal to the society that created such devices?




  1. In my opinion, if some humans did survive, they would not revert back to the hunter/gatherer state.  The knowledge base which would endure through the humans who did survive would be enough to jump start a civilization immediately.  Or, at least, the idea of and the determination to re-create a modern type of society in terms of democratic, economic and moral principles.

    And, language would also be preserved intact.  So, we could immediately re-start the communication process, even if it was primitive at first.

    With a knowledge of the alphabet and rudimentary mathematical skills which would have survived, we could immediately jump forward into at least the 1600's in terms of intellectual expertise.

    So, I think that we could rebuild our economic and cultural infrastructure within 400 years.

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