
How many gifts should a 14 year old boy get?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 14 and my parnets only got me one gift it was a jersey that cost 60 bucks, i was pissed off because i only got one gift, but I didn't say anything to my parnets. I was wondering how many or how much money should they spend on you?




  1. I think a 14 year old boy should get 20 presents

  2. Uhm, no offense but... be grateful for what you've got. If you're not, feel free to send your jersey to some poor children who will never receive one gift in their LIFE who will no doubt appreciate it.

    One gift is fine for a fourteen year old, because it's time you grow up and learn that giving is just as good as receiving, and material things aren't all that matter. I've always received one gift for my birthday from my parents, ie a watch or a new pair of half chaps, and then for Christmukkah maybe three or four things, normally just what I've asked for and a few things they thought I'd like.

  3. tear the jersey in half !

    wala, now you have two gifts (two half jerseys) !

    now show it to your cheap parents.

  4. Good for you for not saying anything to your parents! Its tough making the transition from childhood to teen sometimes. One gift is probably the norm which is much different from those early years when its so much fun to watch a child's face light up with joy over little toys. keep your mouth shut and smile; your folks will appreciate it and may surprise you at Christmas ;-)

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Oh grow up man - be happy you got even 1 present since there's kids in this world whose family is so poor they have never recieved a present...

  6. I think you can see how much money your parents earn...... maybe they don't have a lot of free means now! If you respect your parents   you should not to demand too much from them, you should know that it's not easy to earn money! And if you need something more you can try to earn your own money......  good luck

  7. For your birthday? I only get one present for my birthday at around $50. Your older now, you don't need tons of presents, that's what Christmas is for. If you want more gifts, throw a party and have your friends get you stuff.

  8. it depends on your parents financial situation. but i would have expected at least 2 presents from my parents and some from my grand parents and some from my close friends and relatives. no one else gave you a gift?! maybe you will get some more later today, i hope. or casually ask your parents if anyone else know it's your birthday.

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