
How many girls do you actually know that are pregnant?

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Either before you left for summer break, or in this school year, how many girls in your school are pregnant?

Are they in middle school or high school?

How old are they?




  1. There were only 200 kids in my whole school, k-12, so none except me.  I'm going in to 11th grade (home schooled though) and I'm 16.  I got pregnant at the end of last school year.  I'm 19 weeks now. =]

  2. i know of 1 girl @ my school but i dont know her personally

  3. 5 girls and they were all under 19

  4. 2 many too count. notable ones are my one homegirl who is like 7 months, and this girl whos had more abortions u dont wanna count. i think she's keepin this one

  5. I knew about two thirteen year olds last year who were one's pregnant that I know of currently.

  6. i know 5 girls who are preggers!! one is 15 the rest are 16!!

  7. i have 3 friends that are pregnant all of them are 16-17  

  8. Um...I THINK my friend Vanessa is pregnant. Nobody's totally sure.She's in middle school. She's 13.

  9. High School 9th grade so 15

  10. none now because they all had their babies already. they were 16, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 22, 22 and 2 were out of school and the rest were in high school

  11. 14


    i do have a cousin who it 16 and has a 2 year old kid..but she got raped by her ex boyfriend so i dont know if that counts...but yeah

  12. I am in 10th grade (Sophmore) and honestly, NONE of the girls at my school are pregnant. Except for one of the teachers :]  

  13. Does myself count?

  14. my friend got pregnant at 19 if that counts?

    about 10 teachers at school pregnant

  15. When I was in high school there were 3 pregnant girl in my class (only one graduated) and 5 under my class. As far as I know, only 1 of the girls under my class graduated and none of them have gone to college.

    It's really sad, actually. I've talked to a few of them, and of course they love their children, but the one's I've talked to regret their decisions. One of them told me that s*x isn't special anymore because she started having it too young (at 16) and having a kid means she's going to have to struggle to give her kid a fair chance in this society and economy. Most of them are working dead-end jobs and don't have the experience and education to move up. Some aren't even working at all and are living off their parents, in which case I feel sorry for their parents. It's like having a leech stuck to their wallet.

    I know I'm working my bum off and up to my ears in loans, and am stressed out beyond belief (double majoring) but at least when I have a child I'll be able to give them a good life.

  16. there was this girl at my dance group,and i think she was 15

    and iv seen at least 3girls since i started high school a month ago

  17. 1 in hs. I actually went out with her in middle school! Eww what was I thinking!? shes 16

  18. in my high school and middle school (its connected) no one was pregnant.


  20. I live in a place in England which is looked down upon and stereotyped for all being disgusting slags with no brains.

    However- I went to a large all-girls secondary school for five years and never ONCE was there a single pregnant girl in any year/grade in the entire time I was there.

    Give the girls some credit. We're not all stupid.

    So I do not know one teenage mother.

  21. 1 my sophmore yr and she was 15 when she got pregnant and gave birth at 16

  22. this year i was a freshman in highschool and i knew only one other freshman that was pregnant and gave birth on july 4th hahah she was 15 (honestly pretty trashy) she is white. her baby is half black. then throughout the school i'd say there were about 3-10 other pregnant people

  23. One of my friends had been pregnant twice by the age of fourteen. But that's it, none of my other friends have, however a girl I know but am not friends with was pregnant when she was...fifteen. Sad hey?

  24. myself (18)

    my best friend (17)

    an another one of my friends (18)

    high school but they left school.

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