
How many girls play rugby and do guys like girls on the team?

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How many girls play rugby and do guys like girls on the team?




  1. In the USA college women's rugby and high school girls' rugby are growing too fast to keep up with themselves.  I played college rugby and coached high school girls in the EPRU [eastern PA, NJ, DE].  There are over 25 high school girls' teams in this small area alone!  Also, women's college rugby is now an NCAA emerging sport and a few schools are making the teams part of the NCAA [West Chester U, Eastern Illinois, Vasser, etc].  

    I wrote my senior anthro thesis about women and girls in rugby; two of the players were cheerleaders in the fall and played rugby in the spring.  Some of the girls had boyfriends - that were mature enough to respect their girlfriends' athletic abilities.  One of the boyfriends was the team's water-boy!  

    Bottom line: rugby is an awesome sport and your guy should be proud to see his girl[friend] out there kicking *** and doing what makes her happy!

  2. Out here, womens touch rugby is very popular. In fact, statistics at the IRU indicate that womens rugby is the fastest growing segment in the IRU (International Rugby Union). I once played in a game that had a very tough (and very nice) girl playing in the scrum at hooker on the opposing team. I play second row and am a fairly large bloke. I recall at the breakdown once thatI scooped up the ball and charged forward (as you do) and slammed straight into the opposing player. As I got up to rejoin play after the ruck, I pushed down on the chest of the player beneath me (to keep him/her out of play),only to realise that I was pushing down on some rather large b*****s. Somewhat embarrasing as you can imagine but she seemed pretty cool about it,understanding that I didnt do it on purpose (ahem). No really.

    By the way, this girl ended up being voted player of the tournament, so good on her !!

  3. I play rugby on a team.  This is my second year and I LOVE IT. My bf doesn't have a problem with me playing.  You can be tough and sweet at the same time.  I also play Harp Saxophone and Paino, am Captian of the FCA, And I'm in Debate

  4. not a lot

    if yur not a "girly" girl then- no problem

    if u throw like a girl or are scared- problem

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