
How many girls/women know how to weld?

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just curious..




  1. I've worked with two.

  2. My dad taught me and my brother how when I was 12, but I don't think I'd really remember how anymore. Two girls I went to high school with are now professional welders (well, one is a professional already, the other is still in training).

  3. Didn't the chick in Flashdance weld?

    I know - I got nothin'. haha

  4. I'm one of them. Can, do and enjoy it. Actually, my husband and I are considering opening our own business. I'm sure lots of women can.

  5. I know how to, doesn't mean that I want to or would.

  6. I've seen both Aliens and Flashdance, does that count?

    (I had a female coworker once who was a welder, though. So female welders do exist.)

  7. I did some welding 20 years ago - my boyfriend (now husband) wrecked his car constantly, and I helped him rebuild it.  I prefer detail work, though, like soldering and welding pipes.

  8. My dad thought me when I was a teen, at first it was a lot of fun fabricating things, now, I only do it if I have to. =P

  9. quite a lot during WWII

    quite a few do nowadays

  10. Ya...I even have art to prove it.

  11. One of my girlfriends was the best at arc welding in ninth-grade metal shop.

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