
How many glasses of milk should a child have a day?

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a childs glass size




  1. a cup

  2. I think one cup with each meal is enough but I don't see why it would be a problem to have more. Milk is good for you. Maybe go with 2 % rather than whole milk if the child drinks a real lot.

    Personally I hate milk. One of my boys loves it and probably drinks 4-5 cups a day.

  3. Not needed at all.  Kids can get a more natural and healthier source of calcium through leafy green veggies.

  4. My parents make my brothers and I drink a glass at dinner, or at least orange juice. Probably 1-2 glasses a day would be good- about 4 or 5 cups.

  5. Children don't need milk at all.

    What they do need is calcium and Vitamin D, and milk is one source of that.

    Her calcium and Vitamin D intake are what matters, not the amount of milk she drinks.

    A small amount of sun exposure gives her all the Vitamin D she needs.

    Her calcium requirements are:

    There are also calcium supplements for children who don't like milk or who are lactose intolerant/allergic

    All the best.

  6. we dont give more then (2)8 oz cups of milk a day.

  7. According to, children should have about 3 cups of milk a day...or substitute a cup of yogurt or 1 1/2 ounces of cheese for a cup of milk. In case you aren't good at converting...a cup equals 8 ounces.

  8. i have 2 or 3 a day... im 13 almost 14

  9. My  9.5 yr old daughter LOVES milk. And drinks it as much as I will let her. She probably has about 5 or 6 child size glasses a day in the summer, obviously not that much when school is in. I buy 1% and she is not overweight at all, it is very good for anyone let alone a growing kid in puberty.

    There is the one milk commercial that advertises either 2 or 3 cups a day for an adult is healthy of 1% or no fat.

  10. Up to 16 ounces. ~

  11. Depends of the child's age.

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