
How many glasses of water should I drink a day?

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If I do drink however many glasses a day, how will it affect my body?




  1. approximately 12 a day!

  2. u should drink as much as u can water is very good for u.

  3. 8 to 12 glasses a day and it depends on the weather and your activities. To replenish the water in your body.


  4. Everyone is different, your body, your lifestyle, your geographical location, here is a website that may answer this question for you.☆

  5. Answers and research varies.  I drink as much as my body needs, i.e. if I want water, I drink it.  I also try to stay aware that many times when our bodies make us think we're hungry or tired that it simply may be thirst.   I drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.  Need it as much as I do my first cup of coffee.

  6. The FDA recommends 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day.  However, that is only a guide.  Physically active people should drink more.  A good rule is that you should have to urinate every hour when you are properly hydrated.  Yes, every hour!  Your urine should also be clear, not yellow or orange.

  7. 8 is recommend

    more is better

  8. you should drink about 8 glasses a day what you could do is drink a glass of water before and after each meal and a glass of water with each snack you have and drinking water is said to help clean out impurities out of your body and make you skin softer oh and tip if you are hungry and you just ate it probably better to drink a glass of water(not soda) because you may just be dehydrated.

    hope this helps you out

    oh and you can get more info about this subject all over the web  

  9. 8 cups a day can clean out your system, give you healthy looking skin,hair, and lots of other things. Look it up on websites

  10. 8

  11. 8 millionz

  12. My grandmother always said drink 8 glasses of water a day.

  13. 8 or more, but not too much you dont want water poisoning

  14. 8 glasses a day

  15. 8, that will only help your body

  16. You will definitaly have better and clearer skin. There is a large range on how much to drink depending on your body weight. But if you drink a lot a day you will feel a lot better, and have more energy. It is a fact that sometimes our body confuses being thirsty, as being hungry. 9-10 cups of water is an average.

  17. 6-8 daily, depending on the size of the cup/ bottle your using

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