
How many golfers are in the world that..?

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have a handicap is below 8?




  1. I'll look for the link a bit later, but lets do the math... taking in account men, women, seniors and juniors

    There are about 52,000,000 golfers in the world

    <10% on a regular basis hit below 100 per round [<5,200,000]

    HC in low to mid 20s

    <1% on a regular basis hit below 90. [<520,000]

    HC in the low to mid teens

    <.1% on a regular basis hit below 80 [<52,000]

    HC in the single digits

    No wonder most of us are humiliated on a regular basis by a simple white ball sitting still in the grass.

  2. ha! not me i started golf at my junior high this year made the team play at most oll of the tornaments but im pretty bad. VOLLEYBALL is my thing!!

    bbjh is undefeated!!

    woo hoo!!!!

  3. About 2% of all golfers in the world have a handicap of 8 or less.At our country club with approximately560 members, men and ladies we have 16 members who play to an 8 handicap or less.

  4. If you're interested in statistics, the answer was given above.  

    But this is my own asnwer:

    The definition of core golfer (read: average) is someone who plays 6-8 times per year.  I have never known anybody who plays 6-8 times per year who have shot under 120.

    Most of my friends play 12 times a year and they shoot 95 - 110.

    I play 24 - 30 times a year.  I shoot 82 - 95.  The low 80's on easy muni courses and mid 90's on tour level courses hitting from middle tee.

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