
How many grams of fat and sugar and milligrams of sodium are allowed for a teenager in one day?

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How many grams of fat and sugar and milligrams of sodium are allowed for a teenager in one day?




  1. On a typical 2000 calorie diet, which is about how many calories all teenagers should consume, you should try to consume 50-65 grams of fat (20 max grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat) at the most, and you should consume no more than 2400 milligrams of sodium. Sugar should be kept to a minimum. You should consume no more than 40-60 grams.

  2. The key to healthy living is moderation.  I use my pants to gauge how much I should eat in a day if I want to lose weight I notch up my belt one and it helps curb your appetite.  I listen to my body to see what I should eat if i feel gross I'll eat vegetable, if i feel tired i'll eat some fruit, i feel hungry i'll eat some meat or peanut butter with some whole grain bread/rice/pasta.

    keeps less than 10% of your total fats from saturated fats.

    Total fat intake should compose between 20-35% of your total calorie intake.

    less than 2300 mg of sodium (1 teaspoon) a day.



    For example, the 2,000-calorie pattern includes only about 267 discretionary calories. At 29 percent of calories from total fat (including 18 g of saturated fat), if no alcohol is consumed, then only 8 teaspoons (32 g) of added sugars can be afforded. This is less than the amount in a typical 12-ounce calorically sweetened soft drink. If fat is decreased to 22 percent of calories, then 18 teaspoons (72 g) of added sugars is allowed. If fat is increased to 35 percent of calories, then no allowance remains for added sugars, even if alcohol is not consumed.

    The standard in athletes and bodybuilders is usually a 60/20/20 diet (carbs/fats/proteins).

    Protein intake is measured by taking your body weight in kilograms and (for the average person) multiplying by 0.8 or (a very active person) by 1 or (an olympian or competitive bodybuilder) 1.2.

    example a 50 kg girl should consume about 40 grams of protein a day.

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