
How many grams of oats do you use to make 1 healthily-portioned bowlful of porridge and what do you mix in?

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I usually use around 45g. I mix in strawberries, blackberries or raspberries. I used to add a teaspoon of honey but honey seems to make me gain weight no matter how little I use. Recently I've been considering buying some pumpkin seeds...has anyone tried that and could tell me what it's like? Does adding nuts & seeds, rather than or in addition to fruit, keep you fuller for longer?




  1. Basic Porridge Recipe (1 big portion)

    Put 5 dessertspoons of porridge oats in a saucepan. Pour over 2-3 times as much filtered water, a smidgen of sea salt and any of the ingredients below. Bring to the boil and then turn down the heat lower and simmer until you have your desired consistency - about 5-15 minutes. More water can be added if required.

    1 small banana (chopped) and a third of a tin of coconut cream

    2 dessertspoons of ground almonds and 4 dried apricots (un-sulphured ones are nicer) finely chopped (really yummy with creme fraiche).

    half a teaspoon of cinnamon and some raisins

    chocolate raisins (add at the end of cooking)

    cook with a tablespoon of mixed chopped nuts and serve drizzled with date syrup

    apple and cinnamon puree: simmer apples and cinnamon first in some water, add oats and more water when the apples are fairly soft and squishy. Bring to the boil again and then simmer until the oats are cooked) This is super yummy served with organic crème fraiche, and maple syrup as a winter pudding.

    For extra super health pour on 3 teaspoons of linseed oil; hemp oil or Udo's oil just before eating. If you have a sweet tooth, add maple syrup into the oil. Yummy!

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