
How many grapes constitute a "bunch"

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How many grapes constitute a "bunch"




  1. is your wondering about your 5 a day, 1 portion is a handful.

    a bunch can depend on how many are hanging on the stem though, its not a set number

  2. that is a really dumb question i'm not even going to try to answer that

  3. Bunch is just an expression. It could be 12 or 15 or even 30.

  4. I'd say a vines worth about a pound or 2. What ever is hanging on the stem is perfect.

  5. About 20.

  6. Exactly the same number that is hanging on the vine.

  7. A medium bunch  = about 50 grapes

    Visit : to check out serving sizes for ALL of the food groups

  8. Ok so,,,,,, if someone said to eat a "bunch" of grapes, that would probably mean as many as you can eat. If someone asked you to pick them a "bunch" of grapes I would say that would be all the grapes attached to one stem.

    So I guess it's all a matter of what you are really asking.

  9. Depends on the grape size, obviously, but I would say about fifteen grapes. I usually eat a whole lot more than that, though, because I am trying to see how many I can throw and catch in my mouth consecutively without missing.

  10. As many as you want it to be - grapes grow in various numbers on a vine so it's pretty much a case of pick your own (size) - and no pun intended !

    and why in God's name does Yahoo (this wonderful (!) updated version (!) of it) keep throwing up silly. meaningless and pointless pop-ups like this:


    Hmm... it looks like you have a lot of punctuation.


    when I've hardly used ANY, and where I have, it's used CORRECTLY!

  11. lol 50

  12. I would say 9.  Any less and it's just 'a few grapes'.

  13. They grow in clusters from 6 - 300

    There isnt a real amount it varys

    Hope that helps

  14. exactly 24.

    Anything more or less is just a travesty.

  15. A handful.

  16. They grow in bunches - One vine/segment worth of little cute yummy baby rasins equals a bunch :)

    This is a bunch:

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