
How many green tree frogs can i put in a 10g aquarium?

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And can I also put other frogs in the tank?

If so, what kinds?




  1. Its not best to mix species, for fighting reasons, also if you get more then one you should get females or one male and females. Males of many animals can sometimes get territorial and fight. When picking out a tank you have to consider the size of the animals that you are looking to get and how big they will become. If I was in your position I would probably get a 20tall. Tree frogs enjoy being able to climb and having a lot of different branches, sticks, and leafy things for them, along with a forest floor with a big water source.    If you go to your local pet store they should be able to tell you more about what habbitat your possible future pets will need. Good luck.

  2. if its a standard long tank then no u cant keep tree frogs in it. green tree frogs need at the bare minimum 1.5feet of hight (45cm) with 2feet (60cm) being the spend_day minimum. a 1'x'1x1.5' (30cmx30cmx45cm) can hold 2 green tree frogs where a 1.5'x1.5'x2' (45x45x60) can hold 5

    there have been cases of green tree frogs and grey tree frogs living together in a viv happily but it is never recommended to mixing any species.

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