
How many gun owners would find it objectionable if I

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put a pistol grip stock on my Mini-14? Or put a compensated match barrel on my 10/22?

A recent bill in New York says most gun owners say such things shouldn't be available to civilians. Do you believe that they're telling the truth or that they're lying?




  1. Dude that's wicked stupid. They are lying.

    Grips and muzzle devices don't have any bearing on lethality.

    What foolishness!

  2. Most bills in New York regarding guns, hunting or shooting are either, false, misleading, fraudulent or a down right lie.

    The typical pollster hired by anti-gun types usually are encouraged to ask misleading or manipuative question designed to bring the 'poll' to a specific pre-determined conclusion.

    In answer to your question on 'tricking up' your guns, I have no problems with it.

  3. I believe that anyone should be able to own any kind or style firearm they want as long as they can prove they are competent

  4. I'm not sure the need for an insult is there but as a USAF disabled Vet and gun owner. I can tell you that this gun owner doesn't care what accessories you put on your LEGAL firearm.

    Add a grenade launcher if you like, just get it legally :)

  5. Hey a Gun is a Gun.* No problem...*

  6. They are lying.  Most firearms owners couldn't care less how you accessorize your rifle or pistol.

    Truth told - having the pistol grip on a shotgun or rifle makes it allot more inaccurate.  The upside is it becomes easier to carry when camping or traveling in an ATV.  Hollywood has attached a 'cool factor' to modified firearms since the 1960's - to the non-gun owner these modifications make the firearm appear more powerful, threatning, and useful than they actually are in reality.  

    Your state legislaturers need to stop making gun laws based on Hollywood movies.

    Hope this helps  

  7. I don't have any problems with it. I would very much like to see a link to the poll.  

  8. I don't think that too many gun owners would object.  I think that the modifications that you are discussing wouldn't really be a concern to the general public either.  Now, it would be different if you were talking about modifying an SKS or AK to fire on fully automatic and you were adding a drum magazine to add more ammo capacity.  As far as adding a pistol grip or match barrel, I can't see an issue with that as a gun owner myself.

  9. They are lying.  As long as you are a responsible law-abiding citizen, gun owners don't care what you do.  It's the liberal scum that care what law-abiding citizens do.  

  10. fine by me.

  11. There's always been something mildly disturbing about some people trying to "play army" with real firearms, but that's hardly a reason for a law. Having old-fashioned discriminating tastes, I find most tattoos, wine-in-a-box, and all sorts of other things mildly disturbing, but tolerance for the peculiarities of others is what a free society is all about.

  12. Freedom to bear arms. I say if you want to get it, go for it. I'm building a tactical AR15. Don't need it, but i want it. And guess what I am gonna get it.

  13. I have been a life long democrat, hunter, and advocate of gun control. And I avoid certain forums, been thrown out of certain forums, and I am welcome in certain forums for giving my opinion in a respectfull manner.

    The people I see at the public ranges and talk to on the internet forums just confirms my opinion that pistol grips, high cap magazines, etc should be highly restricted. A lot of gun owners have a few screws loose in their thinking of defense, government, etc.

    I would agree with john but I would take it a little more farther than that.

    There are a lot of gun owners that are against concealed carry, assult rifles, tactical guns, etc. The reason there apparently are none is because they do not go on website forums like this for a number of reasons

    1. They don't have a computer or barely know how to use it.

    2. They do not live for firearms. The hunting aspect is much more important than "playing army".

    3. They are blue collar democrats / gun owners and many law enforcement officers who will be discriminated against on websites because they are so outnumbered.

    4. There are some on the websites but they choose to keep their mouth shut in fear of being flamed.

  14. I would only find the compensated match barrel on the 10/22 objectionable if you failed to get a nice match trigger installed (Don't handicap yourself with a stock trigger).  No, seriously, it sounds like a good thing to do, but a lighter trigger pull would go very well with a match barrel.

    I like pistol grips on my semi auto rifles.  Despite the fact that I have never owned a Mini-14, I got a feeling that I would preffer one with the pistol grip rather than without.  

    As far as that part about gun owners in New York saying these modifcations are not needed; I got a feeling that is either made up or  seriously biased.  For example, if you talk gun control with trap shooters they are usally ok with it as long as they keep their guns. Same for the "I just hunt and the second ammendment is all about hunting" crowd.

  15. No intelligent gun owner would say what they claim is being said.

    Only the most ignorant or elitist cops would say that.

    The politicians are liars and so is everybody who supports them. It is not possible that any thinking person could actually believe such stupidity.

    But, hey, we're talking about New York so corrupt and dishonest politics is a given, as are stupid and incompetent voters.

    I point to Hillary as absolute and irrefutable proof of this!

  16. They're lying, but then again, we're talking about New York.......

  17. They are liars, it is from the New York State Assembly.

    My apologies for being redundant

  18. Sounds like some statistics someone drummed up in order to pass more restrictive firearms laws in your state. Better get together with your friends and write some letters or call your state reps.

  19. Fine by me.

  20. Well, man, you have MY permission, as if that means anything.

    Such restrictions are ridiculous and serve only to attempt to disguise the fact that the legislators are unwilling to do anything about the social issues that breed crime in the first place.

    It's passing the buck.

    "We aren't willing to clean up neighborhoods, create jobs, or assist the poor in order to reduce crime, lets ban cosmetic acessories for guns, so the stupid constituants will think we're solving the crime problem..."

    NY residents should be insulted at such empty measures, and "vote the b******s out".

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