
How many guppie at one time in a breeding net?

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i have 3 pregnate guppies but only one guppie net which has the 2 captivites and 1 bottom one for fry. can i put say 2 females in one side and one in the other? or do they need a side each? do i need another net?




  1. The first time my guppies had fry I used a breeding net, but after that (if it is a guppy only tank) they started breeding like crazy. I was unable to keep up with it and the babies kind of figure out where to hide not to get eaten and just hang out on their own. This process really created less stress and my tank flourished (waaay too many guppies had to sell some back to the fish store).

  2. first of all, breeding nets STRESS female guppies. avoid it if you can.But for now, it is ok to put one female in each section and remove the females after they deliver.

  3. put the 2 most pregnant guppies one in each side and once one of them births you put the other pregnant one in. having 2 pregnant guppies in the same side will stress them thats a small space and they will either abort the guppies, beaning giving birth to them too early on purpose cause they're stressed. just put the 2 most pregnant ones in and wait til one gives birth, wait a day so she has a break from the frisky males and then replace her with the pregnant one that hasnt been in. prepare for lots of babies

  4. A lot of guppies can be kept in a breeding net but as others said it will stress ur guppies and ur guppies might abort thier pregnancy.

    I have a tip for u, u can however put 3 guppies all at once in ur breeding net at that time ur guppies might be stressed so to reduce thier stressing and improve there birth giving try to put ur breeding net in a dark room with a dim light, this will reduce thier stress and they also cannot eat the frys for darkness do not make it completely dark, when u r sure ur guppies will give birth keep them in the breeding net for 24 hours at that time they will fully give birth.

    PS: If u want u can buy 2 more breeding net for them if u think it id not safe,or u can try to keep the 3 guppies in different containers without the breeding net and keep them in a dark room this way u can have many frys withput the mothers being stressed for more information search the internet.

  5. i have always used breeding containers for all my pregnant fish including guppies i have had 30- 50 babies in 1 floating container before and all of them survived because they are small u can get away with it  people say it does stress pregnant guppies out when in use of breeding units but i have never come across any problems with them at the moment i have 3 floating breeding containers with fresh air flows in them and have 6 pregnant mums in them hope this helps u out and good luck

  6. about 10

  7. First, what are you going to do with all the babies?

    Generally, one pregnant fish per net.  I would just put lots of plants in a 5 gallon container and put the females in there.  Some babies will get eaten, but many will not, at least if you remove each female as she gets unpregnant.

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