
How many guppies can i put in 10 gallon tank?

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i have 5 goldfish and 3 gaint danio in ten gallon fish tank how many guppies can i put with them




  1. I think it's recommended to have 10-15 fish in a 10 gallon tank.  You could probably add around 6 guppies to your tank.  They are messy fish.  I wouldn't get any more than 3 of them.

  2. One big problem is that the goldfish will grow.  just the goldfish in the ten gallon is kind of overtaxing it.  The one inch of fish per 1 gallon doesn't apply here are goldfish are deeper bodied fish (inch of goldfish is more than inch of tetra).  goldfish (depending on size/species) need 3-10 gallons per inch of fish.  For the 5 goldfish, if they are comets, reg goldfish, fantails, or moors, a 55g+ is advised as they will grow (but they are so cute when small).

    If it were just the danios, I'd say 6-8.  Just a warning, the danios will eat the babies, and at 5 inches, any small fish that could possibly fit in its mouth (eg. endlers - livebearer similar to and often confused with guppies).


  3. I would say 2-3 guppies max.

  4. 2 at the MOST

  5. NONE!!!

    Your tank is already fatally over full!!!

    5 goldfish need at least 50 gallons!  Yes, even babies.  They make lots of waste and they'll soon sicken and die.

    Giant danios just barely fit into a 10 gallon.  3 of them are over crowded.  They also tend to be aggressive.  Expect them to start munching the goldies at any moment.


    Consider re-homing the goldfish.  

    Don't mix guppies with the giant danios.  

    Please do more research before getting more fish.  Yahoo! Answers doesn't count.  You need to google each fish, AND aquarium maintenence.

  6. guppies really don't do good with goldfish and there are some fish that will eat the guppies tails so ask your pet shop about that

    but if you just had guppies I would say put 10-15 adult guppies

    but with the other fish you have I would say 3-5 max

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