
How many gypsy's are in ireland?

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How many gypsy's are in ireland?




  1. How many chav's in England?

  2. there cant be many,, there all over here putting plastic guttering up and cutting conifers down

  3. 99.999%

    dont be racist

    thumbs down yourselfs!!!!!

  4. That is going to be difficult to ascertain.

    Firstly, what is a Gypsy?  Are you referrencing Rromanies or Irish Travellers?

    Then you have the pleasure of the lack of a census.  I know in America there is no census or other reliable measuring device of the Rroma here.  I have not heard of any in Ireland either.  If there is a census, does it differentiate between Travellers and Rromani?  They are two very distinct and different ethnicities.

    I am certain there are Rromani in Ireland as well as Travellers.  I know a few British Rromani so I know they are there as well.

    Sorry I could not answer your question.

    To the one who said this question is racist... how is it racist?

  5. None. They're all in England.

  6. not as many now as there used to be.lots of them have bought land and built bungalows on them

  7. None, Romany's who are Gypsy's have traditionally not  ventured to Ireland possibly because it is an island, Gypsy's have traditionally travelled all over Europe, borders have not been closed to them, even behind the so called iron curtain Gypsy's were free to roam    The travelling people are descended from people who were evicted from their traditional lands by Cromwell

  8. None. Theyre called "travellers"

  9. As of the 2002 census there are ~24,000 travellers in Ireland, this accounts for 0.6% of the population.

    In PC land "travellers" is the correct term... I don't think they are too offended by being called gypsies though.

  10. lots and lots and lots

  11. 40 Gypsies arrived at the Gates of Heaven and St Peter ran to ask God if they could come in.

    "OK" says God, so Peter goes to tell them, but comes running back to God shouting "They're gone, they're gone"

    "What, the gypsies are gone?" asked God.

    "No" says Peter "The Gates are gone"

  12. In the 3 years I lived in Ireland I met some italian gypises in Kilkenny, they were just travelling through, That was a jolly night!!

    I would say a slim amount.

  13. Have you noticed just ask a question and some MORON is down your throat calling you a Racist, There are a lot of gyppos in ireland both ours which we call nackers and european ones which we call criminals

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