
How many hairballs would it take to knit a sweater for my grandma?

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She's 4' 5" and weighs around 250 lbs.




  1. Who is coughing up these hairballs?

    Ball hair would make an itchy sweater!

  2. Dang boy, you need an awful lot of them. Make sure you clean them good before you start knitting that sweater for grandma. I'm sure she'll just love it when you are finished and give it to her. LMFAO

  3. Make it easy on yerself. Blow out the innards of a sheep,with a powerful air compressor,then simply slip granny into the body cavity!

  4. Well, if you brush the dogs and save their hair, let the hairballs dry, I'd say about 3 years, 5 months worth outta do it.


  5. start knitting and find out

    -sounds like you've got an ongoing supply.

    -340 balls i reckon

  6. depends what colour she likes!

  7. Oh sweetie, you don't want to use hairballs!  I think they'd be better reserved to make a nice homemade stock or something.  After all, they probably contain some form of  meat and they are high in fiber.

    A better idea is to get yourself a nice flea or cat comb and use that to groom the kitties.  I swear, you'll think you have a 4th cat in the garbage can when you're done with just one of them!

    You'll have enough material in no time.

    Now, do you plan to weave the yarn yourself or are you going to have it sent out?

    I kid you not - I once saw a piece on TV about a woman who saved her dog's shed hair to weave into yarn to make things with.  Even though she washed it, the idea of a doghair sweater just didn't sound appealing to me.  Imagine if you got caught in a rainstorm!

  8. Can your grandma walk or do you just roll her around? 6 months of hairballs should do it and maybe even get your grandma a matching hat such as yours.

  9. 600 peices or 500

  10. A lot of hairballs, and a few years should do

  11. About ..7 Guido's I reckon...I have a couple of bags for ya the post ..

  12. If you have several cats with the name 'hairball', 5 or 6 should give you enough furr for a sweater, I'd think. Post a picture when it's done!

  13. try knitting booties, you'll need about 12 dozen

  14. I don't know but I could mail you my cat's if you would like. That might speed up the process.

  15. 3 cats is not much,so just keep l*****g them but don't swallow!

  16. Try crocheting it instead of knitting, it's more fun, IMO.  Let's see, I guess it might take about 200 hairballs.  LOL RuneAmok, I saw that on TV too and thought the same thing.  Eww, lmao.

  17. 72.  104 if she wants a sash on it.

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