
How many hats does the Queen of England own?

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I imagine she has hundreds and hundreds, not to mention the hundreds of hat boxes to go with them.

Does anyone have a precise number please?




  1. doesn't, matter, they are all butt ugly.

  2. like maybe 850?!

  3. Has any one actually count them. I dont think anyone would know this answer. Good luck finding out though.

  4. The Queen has a large collection of hats, hundreds if not thousands. The Queen is said to take a great interest in her hats.  It is important for her face to be seen from all angles and a replica of her head is kept at her milliners. Hats are also important as cover ups as it means the hair does not need constant attention. These hats offered Queen Elizabeth an opportunity to have fun with fashion that was denied to other elements of her royal clothing.  She began to wear hats with pleats and drapes and styles varied from wide brimmed Bretons to neat turbans.

  5. One for each pair of shoes Imelda Marcos owned.

  6. one, she works all night transforming it into works of wonder and miracle thanks to her janome/ brother sewing machine

  7. I always wanted to know how many millions of miles of tule and ostrich feathers went into the Queen Mum's hats?   They were the most ridiculous things anyone could have worn!   But they were truly her trademarks and symbols....

    I understand that the Queen is also very frugal (cheap!) and often refits, recycles her clothes, so it is possible she also does that with her hats as well.

  8. They aren't hats at all. It's a sort of bacteria that only grows on the heads of those who were chosen by God to be head of the Anglican Church.

  9. surely she donates to charitable causes those that have passed their sell by dates; or have been worn more than once; i can't imagine anyone keeping that many hats; including this avariciously greedy excuse for a human being

  10. oh god. thousands and thousands and thousands...

    ok, so she doesnt wear tehm more than once, i dont think. she wears one every time shes out in public.

    thats a lot of hats.

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