
How many have you have cut down on driving because of gas prices?

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How many have you have cut down on driving because of gas prices?




  1. I still drive HMMWV,Hemtt's,and LMTV's about the same :)

  2. Higher OPEC output will not lower price  

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - ?2005

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    LONDON, March 18  (IranMania) - An increase in OPEC oil production under present circumstances will not lower oil prices UAE's representative in the organization says, PressTV reported.

    With the price of US light crude for April delivery hitting another record high at $111.42, Ali Obaid al-Yabhouni told Al Arabiya TV that depreciation of the dollar and speculation on oil were the main reasons behind rising oil prices.

    An increase in oil output and supply will hardly have any noticeable effect in lowering prices, he added.

    The value of the dollar has tumbled to a 12-year low against the euro and the expectation that the US Federal Reserve is set to lower interest rates in its upcoming Tuesday meeting, which could make for further decline in its value, Fars News Agency reported.

    >Blame on the Bush adm. for being so lame with the energy technologies,

    >Blame on Ford ,Chevy,Dodge, for been a sitting duck.

    >Blame on our universities for talk and talk and talk about being green and not do nothing at all............

  3. Have had to buy a smaller car and not able to drive my pick  up as much.

    MOnthly Rent for home 680 dollars

    Monthly gas cost for truck  760 dollars

    Time to picket the gas companies time to revolt against prices . This is nothing more than theft.

    It is to bad the USa could not stop buying gas for a week straight to send a clear message to gas companies and OPEC.Including Grocery stores .

    Am tired of being raped by large companies.

  4. Me! Me! I used to just leave my house 3 or 4 times a day because I would get bored at home and wouldn't think twice about it. Now, my husband and I sit down to discuss what we need and where we have to go before we even turn the car on to go anywhere and even then, we only go out once a weekend (before, it was common for each of us to use each of our vehicles to run errands, go shopping, etc.). Now, if we have to do something, we take my car only while his truck sits in the driveway all weekend. We bought a scooter which we now use to run errands and I will be using it to commute to work as soon as I get my motorcycle endorsement on the 18th. Oil companies think that we are going to keep up our demand for oil but they don't realize that American's are highly skilled at adapting. I see SO MANY people riding around in mopeds/scooters (and I'm not talking about motorcycles) that it's not even a novelty anymore.

  5. I stay home an don't go anywhere. My husband went and bought a j*p bike to get back and forth to work , but hasn't used it once... I guess he was spuring the economy..??

  6. While you can't see it, my hand is raised.  I drive less and also I drive slower.  

    I have worked 111 days this year.  I have used my motorcycle to commute 13 miles one way for 51 days.  Here in Northwest Indiana, weather has been cold and wet until a week ago.  Many mornings I rode with the temps in the 30s and 40s.  I have done this to keep as much of my pay as possible.  

    I combine errands and ride my bicycle when possible.  

    As soon as it stops raining I will be able to ride my dual sport motorcycle that returns about 50 mpg.

  7. I've taken a bus to college much more often.  It didn't feel worth it before because I either have to take a non-express bus (one that doesn't take the freeway) or detour about two miles to get to the bus stop (which is pretty significant when the entire bus trip is 10+ miles) and then transfer.  Even now, I still have to drive about halfway to my destination; the only alternative would be to do multiple transfers which would turn a 25-minute drive to something approaching two hours.

    In past years I've gone to the mountains every 3-4 weeks in summer to hike.  This year I may not go at all.  The way that I think of it most is that it has "shrunk my world".

    I've also done volunteer trail maintenance in the past in the mountains, something I may not be willing to do any more if no car pool is available (and there usually isn't.)

  8. I take the train to work which is a real pain, but what else can you do?

  9. Well, I've completely stopped going out for the heck of it. I pick one day a week (Sat or Sun) & don't go out at all. You'd be amazed how much that helps. Do your errands in a circle and park centrally at a mall or such & walk to every store. Even if it's across the street. I see it even where I live, people are walking alot.

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