
How many hens will a rooster mate with?

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How many hens will a rooster mate with?




  1. Conventional wisdom says 6, if you are asking how many hens to put in with your rooster without having too many infertile eggs. I've had as many as 10 with just as good results, but there are other boys with whom I keep only 4 hens

  2. I usually keep 8 hens per rooster and have very good results with egg fertility.I also keep an extra rooster in a pen by himself and swap out the rooster every once in a while because each of my roosters have their "favorite" hens that they pay more attention to.

  3. You cannot state with any degree of certainty that a rooster will mate with this number of hens & no more ,he will show interest in as many hens as there are around,he may mate with as many as twenty or thirty hens,over a period of a  few days or weeks .

    The important point is ,if we are interested in getting good quality fertile eggs for hatching within a given period,it is a good idea to keep to a rooster for a maximum of ten hens .

  4. Roosters will fight each other to prove who is the dominate male.  If the dominate male see or hears another rooster mating with a hen he will run over and attack it.  He wants the hole hen house to himself.  Unless you have a lot of hens it's best to have just one rooster.  Or you will get a lot of c**k fights over the females.

  5. As many as it can get it's wings on.

  6. as many as they can dude even if they are not of age the rooster will try to hump them

  7. Till he is totally exhausted and then some.

  8. I guess you mean per day?

    Bantam rooster: 25 hens

    Light breed rooster: 20 hens

    Heavy breed rooster: 12 hens

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